Sunday, August 23, 2009

A post, finally.

I haven't been blogging lately because I have been busy. Busy with weddings and family and camp-outs and parties and back-to-school preparing.

I also haven't been blogging because I've been grumpy, some of which can be blamed on being busy.

With all of the blogging I haven't been doing, I realized that I've been feeling guilty about it, which I further realized is insane. Last year, I posted every post with the honest impression that no one ever read my blog, but this year I know that there are one or two faithful readers and some stragglers or happeners-by. It's amazing how that little snippet of knowledge suddenly transforms a blog post into a whole other animal.

The original purpose I had for keeping a blog was just to keep a record of our lives as my kids grow up, and to have an outlet for all the experiences, challenges and blessings of motherhood. The community it builds has been an unexpected, but welcome surprise, and I appreciate hearing so much from other moms who are with me in the trenches of child-rearing.

I have also become a bit of a blog junkie myself. In fact, my Google blog reader is getting a little out of hand. Blogging is becoming more of a full-time job than a past-time; a full-time job I'm not getting paid to do.

And that is where I realized that I have become a little bit tied to this blog in ways I didn't forsee. Oh, someone's reading? Better write something. But oops, can't say that, that's not very interesting/nice/articulate etc. I have found myself editing my life to make my blog a more appealing read, and that is so far from my original goal of truthfully expressing myself and diarizing the happenings here at our house.

So if I'm away for longer than normal, or I blog in spurts, or the photos are fuzzy and the words kinda flimsy, I hope you won't hold it against me.


reagan. andrea. said...

Sharmi - don't worry! We like your blog just the way it is. As far as I feel, the more realistic the better!;)
So fun to see glimpses of your family!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you do realize what you just did right?

mandypants said...

That is exactly why I took a "blogging hiatus".....don't worry we are glad for what you do post!

letisha said...

oh sharmi...thanks for your honesty and 'reality check'. I too can get all caught up in the 'blogging world' and forget about the 'real world.' You have such a way with words, i REALLY enjoy reading your blog. Being a stay-at-home-mom, i find that sometime i feel 'out of touch' with others, and blogging has kept me in touch with friends like you! {{{{hugs}}}

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